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USB Flash Drives Compatible iPhone/iOS 128GB [3-in-1] Lightning OTG Jump Drive, GEJRIO USB 3.0 Thumb Drive External USB Memory Storage, Flash Memory Stick Compatible Apple, iPad, Android & PC (Gold)
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USB Flash Drives Compatible iPhone/iOS 128GB [3-in-1] Lightning OTG Jump Drive, GEJRIO USB 3.0 Thumb Drive External USB Memory Storage, Flash Memory Stick Compatible Apple, iPad, Android & PC (Gold)

Product ID: 90533252
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Color:Gold Are you fed up with storage warning on your Phone? Are you still worried about the inner storage of your Phone which cannot be enough?- GEJRIO Device is an USB Flash Drive which has double connectors, can be transferred the documents for all series products of Apple.  - Multi-Functioning, Mini-sized, large storage capacity, it is the first memorizer in the world which has 3 connectors can be transferred. GEJRIO Flash Drive 128GB - No need to pay extra for additional storage, just plug it in and enjoy your extra space for your device - GEJRIO flash drive Excellent solution for transferring files, videos, pictures back and forth from your iPhones and iPads and your computer - Lightning connector works with most cases, while the USB 3.0 connector makes it easy to move content between devices - Flash store also includes encryption software to password protect files, so you can share content while keeping sensitive files secure - Small & Compact device will fit almost anywhere. Store your favourite movies or TV shows from your computer on your GEJRIO flash drive and watch anywhere, anytime. - (Compatible with iPhone/iPod/iPad) lightning connector with authorization chip issued by Apple to ensure 100% compatibility with any Lightning device with NO annoying error message. Format supported Music: m4a, aiff, caf, mp3, wav Image: gif, jpg, png,jpeg Video: avi, flv, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, rmvb Document: doc, ppt, xls, xlsx, pdf, html, txt ★Tips: * DOWNLOAD ONTHE APP STORE SEARCH "i-EasyFlash" USE * Android phone: if your phone can not work,You need go to open mobile phone set open OTG connection * MEMORY CARD HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN THE PRODUCT ❤NOTE: 1. IF NECESSARY, PLEASE REMOVE PHONE CASE FIRST2.You cannot transfer or watch media files downloaded fr

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

1 week ago

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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