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Dollar Shave Club Men's Razor 6-Blade Starter Set 1 handle, 2x 6-blade razor blade refills
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Dollar Shave Club Men's Razor 6-Blade Starter Set 1 handle, 2x 6-blade razor blade refills

Product ID: 457589841
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Dollar Shave Club's razors were made with your skin and hair in mind, and as part of our mission to help guys look, feel, and smell their best. The Dollar Shave Club 6 Blade Razor Starter Set is here to provide an extra-close shave, and end your search for your new favorite razor. This bundle contains two razor blade cartridges, each with six stainless-steel razor blades, and a weighty, diamond patterned grip handle. The 6 blade razor features a flexible head and a built-in trimmer blade edge, which is an outstanding combination to help you get to all those hard to reach places, like under a nose or the edge of a sideburn. The handle is thoughtfully designed with a distinctive diamond patterned grip to help prevent any unwanted slipping or sliding in wet shaving conditions. These razors for men (and women!) are best for those who shave daily or have short hair. Round out this perfect shave with Member-favorites Shave Butter and Post Shave Dew, and check out our 6 Blade Refill 4-pack when you're ready for some more blades. Whatever you choose, our mission has always been simple: to make top-shelf products that make your shaving routine as smooth as humanly possible. Dollar Shave Club Men's Razor 6-Blade Starter Set 1 handle, 2x 6-blade razor blade refills Check out the Dollar Shave Club 6 Blade Starter Set: You’ll get two replacement razor blade cartridges and a sturdy, grippy handle 6 STAINLESS-STEEL razor blades and a built-in trimmer blade to get a nice, precise shave THE RAZOR: 6 stainless-steel blades and a built-in trimmer blade. Everything you need to get started on an extra-close shave FOR AN EXTRA CLOSE SHAVE: Great for frequent shaver or shaving shorter hair THE HANDLE: weighty, diamond-patterned grip handle designed for ultimate comfort and control while you shave Dollar Shave Club’s got all the men's grooming products you could possibly need to tackle any shave. Welcome to the Club

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Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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