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Discover Our Temperate Springtails Range

Immerse yourself in Temperate Springtails’s world of superior design and exceptional value.

Springtail Food - High Springtail Yield Producing with Easy to Use Shaker Jar (4oz)

Springtail Food - High Springtail Yield Producing with Easy to Use Shaker Jar (4oz)

Josh's Frogs Dwarf Tropical White Isopods (25 ct) and Temperate Springtails (8oz) Bioactive Clean Up Crew Bugs Bundle

Josh's Frogs Dwarf Tropical White Isopods (25 ct) and Temperate Springtails (8oz) Bioactive Clean Up Crew Bugs Bundle

DBDPet Springtail Food (4oz Bottle) - Food for Springtail & Isopod Cultures - Explode Your Springtail Culture's Growth with Our Springtail Food

DBDPet Springtail Food (4oz Bottle) - Food for Springtail & Isopod Cultures - Explode Your Springtail Culture's Growth with Our Springtail Food

Springtail Culture

Springtail Culture

Habistat Springtails Tub

Habistat Springtails Tub

Illustrated Key to the Families of British Springtails (Collembola)

Illustrated Key to the Families of British Springtails (Collembola)

Josh's FrogsBioactive Booster (4.25 oz)

Josh's FrogsBioactive Booster (4.25 oz)

Springtail Starter Culture

Springtail Starter Culture

ProRep Springtail Food 150g | Bioactive Set up | Springtails

ProRep Springtail Food 150g | Bioactive Set up | Springtails

Bugs and More Store Isopod Substrate (4 qt.) Ideal for All Isopods Springtails- Calcium Enriched/Receive a Free 1 Gallong Bag of Mixed Leaf Litter - Better Then Soil

Bugs and More Store Isopod Substrate (4 qt.) Ideal for All Isopods Springtails- Calcium Enriched/Receive a Free 1 Gallong Bag of Mixed Leaf Litter - Better Then Soil

IsoCare Isopod Food All Natural Nutrients Complete Diet for Bugs Isopods Millipede & Springtails 5oz Shaker

IsoCare Isopod Food All Natural Nutrients Complete Diet for Bugs Isopods Millipede & Springtails 5oz Shaker

Josh's Frogs Spring to Life Springtail Food (4 oz)

Josh's Frogs Spring to Life Springtail Food (4 oz)

DSPetSupplies Springtails Pre-Pack - Reptile Live Food

DSPetSupplies Springtails Pre-Pack - Reptile Live Food

Josh's Frogs Spring to Life Powdered Springtail Food (4 oz)

Josh's Frogs Spring to Life Powdered Springtail Food (4 oz)

Critters Direct Dwarf Purple Isopods (Qty-25) & Springtails (8 oz Seeding Cuture) Combo Package, for Amphibian/Reptile/Invertebrate Bioactive Habitats

Critters Direct Dwarf Purple Isopods (Qty-25) & Springtails (8 oz Seeding Cuture) Combo Package, for Amphibian/Reptile/Invertebrate Bioactive Habitats

Critters Direct Powder Blue Isopods (Qty-20) & Springtails (8 oz Seeding Culture) Combo Package, for Amphibian/Reptile/Invertebrate Bioactive Habitats

Critters Direct Powder Blue Isopods (Qty-20) & Springtails (8 oz Seeding Culture) Combo Package, for Amphibian/Reptile/Invertebrate Bioactive Habitats

Springtail & Isopod Food - All Natural - 4oz Shaker Container - Feed Your Springtails The Best Food Possible! - 100% Natural Springtail Food Mix

Springtail & Isopod Food - All Natural - 4oz Shaker Container - Feed Your Springtails The Best Food Possible! - 100% Natural Springtail Food Mix
